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Client Satisfaction Survey Results
January 28th, 2025At the conclusion of each and every project, we invite our clients to complete a satisfaction survey. This process enables us to…
From Recollection to Reality: Understanding Prescribing Trends Through Chart Audits
November 12th, 2024As featured in the Quirk’s November/December 2024 issue, Olson’s Chief Research Officer Lynn Welsh explains how chart audit research enables brands to understand physician prescribing habits in real-world settings, offering a granular view of patient demographics and treatment decisions.
ORG Engage: Ensuring Your Qualitative Research Success
September 6th, 2024Olson Research has refined our qualitative research best practices over the years, ensuring success for each unique engagement. Here are four ways we have found to exceed our clients expectations.
Ensuring Fieldwork Success
July 31st, 2024Olson Research excels at partnering with our clients to delivering accurate, on-time fieldwork whether small niche qualitative projects or large-scale quantitative efforts.
Obtaining Rapid Results For Critical Research Needs
June 5th, 2024Rapid Results provides a quick and easy way to obtain valuable insight for corporate strategy, business development decisions, or product management questions.
Best Practices for Designing and Managing Patient Chart Studies
April 23rd, 2024In the last five years, Olson Research has conducted 550 Chart Audit studies with 50,000 respondents, and collected over 600,000 charts.
Leveraging Patient Chart Data for Effective Product Launch and Tracking
April 11th, 2024As presented by Lynn Welsh, Olson’s Chief Research Officer at the 2024 Intellus Worldwide Summit for Health Insights & Analytics in Lincolnshire, IL.
ORG Engage: Ensuring Your Qualitative Research Success
October 13th, 2023Olson Research has refined our qualitative research best practices over the years, ensuring success for each unique engagement. Here are five ways we have found to exceed our clients expectations.
Is Your Quantitative Research Exceeding Expectations?
September 6th, 2023As a leading market research agency in the healthcare space, Olson Research is uniquely positioned to deliver on quantitative research projects. Here is how we……
Olson’s Depth of Experience Ensures Project Success
August 7th, 2023Olson Research leverages our 28+ years in healthcare marketing research with our proprietary process, ORG Scope, which allows us to accurately assess feasibility, design and initiate successful research projects.